Google rating 23.04.2024
Our support team is here for you!

Experienced in setting up and importing your data, we will assist you at every step.

We are available every working day to meet you, to assist you by phone on +41 22 301 41 00 or by email.

You will quickly be operational with agenda.ch!

Online knowledge base

Some frequently asked questions:

Is agenda.ch easy to use?

agenda.ch was designed to be simple and efficient. After an adaptation period of a few days, you will quickly get used to its use.

At agenda.ch, we pride ourselves on our support service. Our team will be there to help and support you by phone or email every step of the way.

There is also an online help section.

How long will it take to get started with agenda.ch?

It depends on each client.

In general, it takes about 1 hour of free training over the phone together. All support is free. And then another 1-2 hours of configuration so that agenda.ch meets your exact needs.

After a few days you will be comfortable using it. After a few weeks, you will wonder how you managed to work without this tool which will save you a lot of time!

What if I still have questions after getting started?

We support you every step of the way, with one hour of free training and getting started.

Afterwards, you can always contact the free support on 022 - 301 41 00 with all your questions or write to us by email. There is also a very comprehensive help section.

What about data security at agenda.ch?

All data is secured by recognized security standards.

In addition, all agenda.ch data is hosted in Switzerland and we make backups of the data every hour.

You can retrieve your data at any time, from your account, in real time.

What do I need to use agenda.ch ?

You need a smartphone, computer or tablet (with an internet connection).

Is agenda.ch reliable ?

Yes. Like any computer software, some bugs can happen. In general, it is also during these moments that we can show you the quality of our skills! With thousands of users at any one time, should any issues arise, our team of experienced engineers are quickly notified and can usually rectify the problem within minutes.

For 3 years we have had only a few "cuts" which each time lasted a maximum of 15 minutes.

Internet outages are very rare. We also suggest that you synchronize the agenda on your smartphone to iPhone Calendar or Google Sync.

Can I customize the app to suit my needs?

There are many options that allow you to customize the application. To save you time, we suggest that we discuss your needs together in order to be able to advise you as best as possible!

I don't have a website. How do I use online appointment scheduling?

Agenda.ch offers a mini site, included in the basic subscription. See an example.

We also suggest that you register for free on Google Business to be more visible. Thanks to these two actions, you will already increase your online visibility at a lower cost!

If I want to stop my subscription, what happens?

You have a free, non-binding trial month. If you don't want to continue afterwards, there is nothing to do.

If you decide to start a subscription, you can stop it at any time with a simple call or email.

Does agenda.ch have a phone app?

agenda.ch is 100% mobile phone usable. You can use agenda.ch as a mobile application, from your phone's home screen.
Here is how to install it.

CHF 60 / month is more expensive than other apps on the Internet

You will invest in the quality of the service as well as in the support of agenda.ch, which will match the quality of your own services.

You will not regret it.

I already use a calendar on my phone. How to do ?

We advise you to use agenda.ch as your main tool on your phone. However, you can synchronize agenda.ch with Google Cal or with the your iPhone calendar< /a>.

I want to keep control of my calendar, because my appointments are complicated.

We understand that perfectly. Our tool was designed to allow you to retain full control.

You decide all the parameters, as well as your availabilities.

I do not want to display my information or availability on the Internet.

You can decide not to display all your availabilities.

Many options allow you to limit the type of information you want to share online.

NB: Your customers will never see data linked to other customers.

I already use another tool. How to migrate to agenda.ch?

No problem ! We will be happy to help you import your data into agenda.ch:

  • your patient/customer file
  • the list of your services
  • your appointments from another calendar (.ics or other format)

Free trial

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