A simple and affordable rate.

10% discount when paying annually
  • Subscription agenda.ch
  • CHF 60.-
  • per month
  • set-up and training offered
  • The best Swiss application
  • with all the features below
    (except billing / checkout modules)
  • 1 agenda included
    (+ CHF 20.-/additional agenda)
  • 200 SMS reminders/notifications included
  • help with setting up
  • import of all your data (customers, appointments)
  • personal onboarding
  • unlimited human support
    (by phone / email)
  • no hidden costs
  • See all features >
  • Option: invoicing, collection & sales modules
  • + CHF 20.-
  • per month
  • LAMAL + QR invoicing with debtor tracking
  • collection via cash & cards, receipts & statistics
  • products & inventory management
  • set-up and training offered
  • Option: “turnkey” installation
  • + CHF 300.-
  • Versement Unique
  • entering of all your services & products by our team
  • optimization of your online presence (photos, SEO)
  • on-site training at your location

All prices are excluding VAT (8.1%).

For specific requests, contact us

Free trial

30 days free trial

All features
Monthly price
(inc. 1 diary)
CHF 60
Extra Users
+ CHF 20/month/user
1 User = 1 login (accessible via pc, tablet & mobile) + 1 agenda.

NB - A single login can be used by several people, even simultaneously.

Decreasing prices / user from 6 extra users.
Discount for annual payments
You can pay your bill monthly, quarterly, or annually.
Basic services
Online agenda
A calendar accessible everywhere, pleasant to use with views adapted to your activity.
Integrated client/patient file
The patient file allows to consult the history of the consultations as well as all its data.
Accessible on mobile phone
Consult the whole calendar.ch application from your mobile phone and/or synchronize your external calendars via ICS feeds.
Full setup support
- Phone and email support for the setup. - Online help articles and videos
- In-depth personal training by phone (60 min.).
- Importing your customer / patient informations
- Importing appointments from other agendas.
- Add reservation button to your website
Online services
Online appointment/courses booking
Integration of a booking button on your website that gives access to the agenda.ch widget.
Online payment of appointments / courses.
Request payment in full or as a down payment via credit card, with collection via Datetrans, Stripe, Saferpay or Paypal.
Sell subscriptions / vouchers online
Selling subscriptions / vouchers is integrated with the widget, and also allows you to pay with it.
Modular presentation mini-site
Presentation page with photos, a description, your services, and an access map, referenced on Google.
Patients/client ratings
Receive real ratings from your patients/customers after the appointment that you can publish on Google to improve your visibility.
Google Calendar Sync
Synchronize your calendar.ch with your Google Calendar.
Communication & Marketing
included SMS (reminders and notifications)
Additional SMS will be charged 0.10 Fr / SMS sent
200 SMS/month
Modular presentation mini-site
Presentation page with photos, a description, your services, and an access map, referenced on Google.
Email appointment notifications & reminders
Unlimited emails included
Newsletters / SMS & email campaigns
You can send newsletters & campaigns to your customers / patients and the following unit prices will be charged:
- Email : 0.01 Fr/email (minimum 5 Fr/ campaign)
- SMS: 0.15 Fr/SMS
Programmed SMS (recalls, convocations)
Ideal for recalls/ or annual convocations, you can program a message that will leave on the programmed date
cost: 0.20 Fr/SMS programmed and sent.
To fill the empty slots, you can highlight a special offer.
T590 invoicing in 3 clicks
Billing at tariff 590 directly from the application
Automated LAMAL Tarmed billing
Lists of invoices to be issued allowing automated invoicing in a few clicks
Invoicing QR code
Lists of invoices to be issued, enabling automated invoicing in just a few clicks, with a QR code directly in the software, automatic reconciliation of bank payments, and management of debtors + reminders
+ CHF 20,- / month
Cash & Product Management
Cash register software for sales collection. Manage your products and stock automatically
Shares - Team access
Give each member of your team a read/write access to your shares
Shares - limitations
Limit access to the client/patient file to shares.
Delegation vouchers, gift vouchers, session & credit counters
Management of different locations
Define different locations and the presence of each agenda in each location.
Resource management
Allows advanced management of rooms, machines, etc.
Medical software integrations
Doctors' Fund / Médiway
Document Management
Integrate photos, images, pdf, documents related to the patient / appointment.
Body Charts.
annotated body charts
Modular "Patient management"
Configure your Patient Files to see everything you need.
"Teleconsultation" module
For virtual appointments between you and your client/patient, with a secure system, without the need to install any software.
Custom Settings
Manage Availabilities
Define the availability of each schedule, location and service
Detailed and customizable statistics, exportable on your appointments and patients.
Total control
Limit the number of appointments, patients, accesses

All prices are excluding VAT (8.1%).

Free trial

30 days free trial

Agenda management
Patient / client history
Online appointment reservation
Reminders by sms & e-mail

Mini site
Medical modules
Body charts module
Invoice module. Tarmed (LAMAL) & T590
CDM / Mediway
Document Management Module

Team use & sharing
Easy to use
Modular and scalable

Course booking & subscriptions
Prepaid appointments
Evaluations of your patients/clients
Communication with your patients/clients

Agenda synchronized with smartphone
(flux ics)
Web and mobile access
Promotion management
Integrated cash register

30 days free trial

Free trial

All prices are excluding VAT (8.1%).