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Book an appointment with La Casa Del Capel & Meliss_artmakeup

Meliss_artmakeup - Grand Rue 56, Châtel-Saint-Denis


What is the address of La Casa Del Capel & Meliss_artmakeup?

The address of La Casa Del Capel & Meliss_artmakeup is located at Sentier de la Gare 14, 1020 Renens Village.
You can easily access it by public transport or car.
La Casa Del Capel & Meliss_artmakeup speaks Français.
The phone number of La Casa Del Capel & Meliss_artmakeup is +41 77 531 27 57.
You can reach us during opening hours for any information.
You can contact La Casa Del Capel & Meliss_artmakeup by email at the following address: paiano.sabrina@gmail.com.
We usually respond within 24 hours.
The website of La Casa Del Capel & Meliss_artmakeup is https://instagram : meliss_artmakeup ; lacasadelcapel_.

How to find us

Sentier de la Gare 14, 1020 Renens Village
Grand Rue 56, 1618 Châtel-Saint-Denis
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